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Buy Boldenone online


10 x 1ml amp (250 mg/ml)
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Boldenone is used as an adjunctive therapy, as an aid for treating asthenia when a general physical condition is desired.


Androgens are contraindicated in patients with hepatic dysfunction, hypercalcemia, patients with a history of myocardial infarction (can cause hypercholesterolemia), pituitary insufficiency, prostate carcinoma, in selected patients with breast carcinoma, benign prostatic hypertrophy and during the nephrotic stage of nephritis.


The administration dose is 200-600 mg per week. The optimum dose is considered 600 mg per week. Because it is painful to be injected frequently can be given every 2 days.

Medical action:

Anabolic drugs induce body tissue building processes and can turn catabolism. The natural testosterone release may be stopped by inhibiting luteinizing hormone (LH). Big doses can prevent spermatogenesis by negative feedback inhibition of FSH.

Anabolic drugs can also improve erythropoiesis. This medicine can cause nitrogen, sodium, potassium and phosphorus retention and minimize the urinary excretion of calcium.


Patients should use this medicine with caution if the meet the following conditions: hepatic dysfunction, hypercalcemia, patients with a history of myocardial infarction (can cause hypercholesterolemia), pituitary insufficiency, prostate carcinoma, in selected patients with breast carcinoma, benign prostatic hypertrophy and during the nephrotic stage of nephritis.

Side effects:

Boldenone causes a harmful effect in testis size, sperm production and quality in males. In women, the drug causes fewer and large follicles, smaller ovaries, increased clitoral size, shortened estrus duration, reduced pregnancy rates, and serious altered sexual behavior. Has the potential to cause hepatic toxicity.


In case an overdose of Boldenone undecylenate is suspected, contact your Doctor immediately.

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