Chemical Characteristics of Turinabol
As previously mentioned, Turinabol is in reality a modified form of Methandrostenolone, whereby it is actually a combination of the chemical structures of Methandrostenolone and Clostebol (4-chlorotestosterone). It possesses the same general chemical structure of Methandrostenolone along with the 4-chloro substitution that Clostebol possesses. The result is that Turinabol becomes a much milder hormone than its parent hormone Methandrostenolone, The alterations to its chemical structure remove the ability for it to be able to be aromatized into Estrogen[2], as well as exhibiting a far weaker androgenic strength. Turinabol therefore possesses an anabolic rating of 54, and a very low androgenic rating of 6, making its separation between anabolic and androgenic effects very distinct and favorable[3]. Although the anabolic strength is considerably less than Methandrostenolone’s rating of 90 – 210, the distinct distance between Turinabol’s anabolic and androgenic effects tend to be far more favorable to the individual.
Turinabol’s chemical modifications also grant it a 16 hour half-life as well as the ability to bind to SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin)[4].
Turinabol is C17-alpha alkylated so as to allow oral bioavailability, and as a result, will exhibit a measure of liver toxicity[5]. It also possesses a double bond between carbon 1 and carbon 2 (also known as the 1-ene carbon), and it is this double-bond that is responsible for the reduction of androgenic strength. Lastly, as previously mentioned, a chloro group has been added at the 4th carbon, responsible for rendering it unable to aromatize as well as reducing the androgenic strength even further.
Turinabol Doses and Administration
Turinabol has a low androgenic rating of 6 and an anabolic strength rating of 53, this makes it near perfect in terms of comparing side effects and gains. Due to such as low androgenic rating, acne, aggression, roid rage and strength increases are rare, but not non-existent. Compared to its parent hormone Methandrostenolone, it’s a weaker anabolic and bodybuilders don’t see Oral Turinabol as a mass gaining agent.
Turinabol posses roughly half the anabolic rating of Testosterone, so dosages in the range of 40-60mg per day are advised as an introduction. Turinabol dosages can exceed 80-100mg per day, but bodybuilders report side effects begin to rise, whilst gains remain constant.
Medical doses of Turinabol are around 5-10mg per day and given to those with muscle wasting diseases. Female medical doses start at 1mg per day and can exceed 2.5mg daily (QC).
Historically, athletic and bodybuilding related dosages according to literature show us that Turinabol was utilized by the East German weight lifting team at 10g per year (27mg per day), and this documentation also notes that the leading East German sprinter was administered no more than 730mg per year (2mg per day).
Beginner Turinabol doses is suggested at 30-40mg per day, whilst intermediate users can use 50-80mg daily. Advanced and professional bodybuilders can use 80-100mg plus per day, with some forums reporting doses of 150mg being used. However, these more extreme doses can cause side effects and other androgens can be used with better gains.
Female Turinabol doses are between 5-10mg per day. Steroid abuse in women, with extreme dosages can cause permanent virilization symptoms, acne, aggression and masculinizing effects.
Turinabol has a half-life of 16 hours. This is considered long when compared to other oral androgens. Methandrostenolone, which is closely structurally related to Turinabol, has a half-life of 4.5-6 hours for example. As a result of this long half-life, it is not required to split Turinabol dosages into twice per day, but the steroid user can ingest the full daily dosage once per day.
Turinabol Cycles and Uses
Turinabol is often stacked in combination with other anabolic steroids, this is due to it being a mild compound and lowering natural testosterone levels in users. Turinabol isn’t the most anabolic or androgenic of steroids, therefore mass gaining agents are favored over Turinabol. This relatively mild anabolic is used during cutting phases, fat loss periods and pre-contest bodybuilding.
Turinabol cycles can consist of running the oral alone at between 40-60mg per day for 6-8 weeks. This will give a nice boost in strength, lean muscle and allow the steroid user to maintain muscle mass when in a calorie deficit. Preventing protein breakdown is a much-needed weapon when getting to sub 10% body fat is the goal.
More advanced stacks of Oral Turinabol can mean other compounds such as; Testosterone can be used for synergistic effects. Short and long estered Testosterone preparations can be used. Testosterone Propionate at 100mg injected every other day with Turinabol 60mg per day lasting 8 weeks is an excellent stack for lean muscle mass and dieting for the summer.
During longer cycles of Testosterone, for example, using Testosterone Enanthate for 12 weeks, an oral is introduced for the first 4-6 weeks whilst the Testosterone “kicks in”. This is a term used for when stable blood plasma levels are at their peak and gains in muscle mass and protein synthesis are at their highest.