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Panic worldwide, closed educational institutions, empty shops and extreme measures imposed by the authorities. All this has been going on for several months now, due to the coronavirus pandemic. In this context, a summary has been developed that contains the important details that you need to know about COVID-19.
What is COVID-19 coronavirus?
Coronaviruses can infect both animals and humans. Humans are known to cause respiratory infections - from common colds to more serious diseases, such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
The new coronavirus, COVID-19, is an infectious disease caused by the newly discovered coronavirus. This virus and the disease were unknown until the outbreak in Wuhan, the capital of China's Hubei Province, in December 2019.
Where did Coronavirus start?
Therefore, for now, the COVID-19 virus is thought to have been transmitted to humans from bats or snakes, which were sold in the Wuhan livestock market. On the other hand, Chinese researchers investigating the animal origin of the coronavirus epidemic said that pangolin *, an endangered species, could be the way to transmit the disease to bats
The first patients who became infected with the new coronavirus were from Wuhan, China. They had developed pneumonia without a clear cause.
How has Coronavirus spread in the world?
The specialists analyzed the circumstances in which the virus appeared and found that the first patient was an employee of a market where snakes, rabbits and birds were sold. Thus, the first cases of illness were registered in China in December 2019. From Wuhan Province it has spread to regions such as: Hubei, Henan, Heilongjiang, Beijing and others. Subsequently, from January, infected persons were detected in Japan, Thailand, South Korea, USA, France and Germany.
At the beginning of March, coronavirus cases were registered in 118 countries around the world, the most affected in the world are those in China - with over 80,000 confirmed cases, of which over 61,000 people were cured, and 3162 died . The second most affected in the world and the first at European level is Italy - with more than 10,000 confirmed cases, of which over 700 people were cured, and 631 died.
From the beginning, the authorities of the countries have taken several emergency measures. In Hongkong, immediately after the first cases, temperature measuring devices were installed at the airport.
In China, two hospitals were built in record time, for several days. Almost every affected country has resorted to closing borders, at least for foreign nationals, to canceling flights and all mass events.
How can you get infected with COVID-19?
People can get infected with COVID-19 from other people who are already ill. Coronavirus can spread from person to person through nasal or mouth drops, which are spread when a person with COVID-19 coughs or sneezes.
If these drops land on objects and surfaces around the person, others may contract COVID-19 by touching these objects or surfaces, then touching their eyes, nose or mouth. This is why it is important to keep the distance of more than one meter from a sick person. The World Health Organization is analyzing the research of scientists and will continue to publish updated information in this regard.
It is good to know that the incubation period of the disease is of maximum 14 days, and the virus survives in ideal conditions at most about 20 days, and in the packages sent by mail - about 72 hours.
Symptoms. How does Coronavirus COVID-19 manifest in the human body?
The most common symptoms of COVID-19 virus are fever, fatigue and dry cough. Some patients may experience pain, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, or diarrhea. Symptoms are usually mild and start gradually. In fact, some people who become infected do not develop any symptoms and feel good. COVID-19 attacks in the human body the lungs, intestines, circulatory system, liver, kidneys.
About one in six people with COVID-19 becomes seriously ill and has difficulty breathing. Older people, as well as those with medical problems, such as high blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes, are more likely to develop a more serious disease. About 2% of the sick people died.
How to protect yourself from coronavirus?
A coronavirus vaccine has not yet been found. However, in order to be treated, people must turn to doctors, the medical system being prepared to cope with the spread of the disease. Currently, flu-like preparations are used, but also remedies to maintain the health of the patients at an appropriate level.
To protect you:
Wash your hands often with an alcohol or soap and water solution for your hands;
Maintain social distance - at least one meter between you and other people, especially those who cough, sneeze and have a fever;
Do not touch your mouth, nose and eyes with your hand;
Make sure you and the people around you follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with a napkin or squeezing and coughing into the crease of your elbow. Then immediately dispose of the used napkin;
Stay home if you feel bad. If you have a fever, cough and shortness of breath, call your family doctor first and seek medical attention. Follow the directions of the local health authorities;
Keep up to date with the latest news on COVID-19 from official sources. Follow the advice and recommendations of the health authorities how to protect yourself and how to protect others from COVID-19.
Throughout the amalgam of information, unreliable details regarding coronavirus and epidemic were also distributed.
- We can grind because of the packages brought from China, from bananas or if we drink Mexican beer "Corona Extra";
- Corona is the most dangerous virus that exists;
- I will die if I am diagnosed with the new coronavirus;
- We must panic and blame China for this epidemic;
- To treat coronavirus, we can use ultraviolet lamps, pneumonia vaccines, garlic.
- Influenza kills 60 times more people annually than coronavirus;
- Handwashing and sneezing are best practices for not spreading the virus;
- Panic and hysteria about what happens are fueled by racism and xenophobia. Nothing justifies being rude to others;
- A coronavirus vaccine has not yet been created.