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About Steroids

Is your gym closed?
So, all gyms are closed so how can you still make gains at home? Something I’ve had to take on for most if not all clients & redesign their plans & has made for a lot of chaos but there is a way. Remember, the mechanisms of hypertrophy are mechanical tension, metabolic stress & muscle damage. Thus, although the loads available at home may not be adequate enough to sig. stimulate hypertrophy in low/mod rep ranges, in high ones & thus, taking advantage of metabolic fatigue, they STILL can be
Your “survival pack” for home workouts is thus going to be the use of high-volume training with a plethora of intensity principles including:
• 20+ rep sets
• AMRAP sets
• Supersets
• Blood flow restriction training
• Drop sets
• Little rest (30-60s max)
• Cluster sets
• Myoreps

These have all shown to sig. enhance metabolic fatigue & thus hypertrophy. The key here is that you take your sets as close proximity, if not to complete to failure. Correct, your muscles know nothing but stress & tension. The Henneman size principle which states that motor units fire from smallest to biggest as effort increases e.g. we start a set of bench with 100kg. For the first few reps the effort is low & we fire more small/slow motor units. Come rep 10, the WEIGHT is the same but our small/slow motor units have fully fatigued & the effort is a lot more thus we fire more larger/faster motor units until we eventually fail on the 12th rep (all the muscle fibres in the chest have been recruited & fully fatigued not able to produce enough force to move the weight). The same effect would happen for benching 50kg & fail at rep 24 or bench 160kg & fail at rep 5. As far as the muscle knows, regardless of weight, all the fibres were recruited & eventually fatigued to the extent of inhibiting them from producing force be it heavy or light

One study compared intensities of 5,10 or 20RM & TUT of 35, 70, & 140s showing no sig differences in motor unit activation. Even Schoenfeld (2015) compared loads of 8-12RM to 25-35RM TO FAILURE in TRAINED males concluding that “Both groups sig increased lean mass in their bis, tris & quads, but no statistically significant between-group diff.
