About Steroids
Novaldex is a chemical-based drug that was initially developed exclusively for the treatment of women. It has been used to prevent cancer. After all, he is able to detect and warn a person about oncological development, allowing the diagnosis and cure of the disease in time.
But after a while, tamoxifen began to be actively used in sports, especially bodybuilding. The effect of this medicine is very slow, especially in the early stages of treatment, so it is recommended to be taken together with other similar drugs.
As already mentioned, tamoxifen is actively used in sports. And there are good reasons for that. The fact is that tamoxifen significantly increases testosterone levels in a man's body because this drug is an anti-estrogen.
According to statistics, if you compare the initial data of endogenous testosterone in a man's body, when he consumes twenty mg over ten days, the level of testosterone in his blood will increase by 42%. And if more than a month and a half is used, this level can increase up to 83%. Such statistics indicate that tamoxifen is much more effective than other drugs. This is one of its main advantages.
Advantages of Novaldex:
Almost immediately after use, the drug lowers blood cholesterol levels. This significantly reduces the risk of heart disease.
Compared to other drugs, because novaldex is a very light estrogen, it does not harm the internal organs, but it positively affects the human body;
Tamoxifen is much safer than other drugs. Even its prolonged use does not cause much harm to the body.
Disadvantages of Novaldex:
Like any other medical device, tamoxifen has a number of side effects:
Due to its structure, the drug suppresses the growth of the insulin-like factor in the human body;
Tamoxifen is very slow. His action takes place in several hours. This is particularly evident in the initial adoption phase;
The disadvantages can also be attributed to the fact that many physicians in bodybuilding advise athletes to take novaldex along with other drugs. It is often recommended to use it with proviron.
Side effects of Novaldex:
Like many drugs, Novaldex also has side effects.
Very often, after taking the medicine, many people notice:
temperature rise;
partial hair loss;
nausea, dry mouth, a significant reduction in erection.
Less common are these symptoms:
very fast fatigue;
possible temporary constipation.
Among these side effects there are also some quite dangerous ones. For example, physicians are aware of cases where the patient has experienced severe headaches, a significant decrease in visual acuity, disturbances of consciousness and others. There were also cases where there were abnormalities in the activity of the liver and other organs vital to humans.
Such cases are very rare, but unfortunately there are. As you can see, the drug has very strong side effects, so it is not recommended for people who are sensitive to its composition.
Novaldex in bodybuilding:
In bodybuilding, the medicine is taken for the sake of increasing muscle mass. It is also taken for increasing total body weight or vice versa, to reduce it. You can buy it from pharmacies and it is sold without a prescription.
As this is a rare substance, it may not be available in all pharmacies. Although the sale is allowed without a prescription, it should not be purchased this way. Always consult a physician before use.
How to take Novaldex
Reception of tamoxifen after a course of steroids is recommended to be combined with aromatase inhibitors, the most popular of which is Proviron. Novaldex is used in doses of 10 to 20 milligrams per day, starting with the last week of the course and ending with the second week after completion.
Note that the highest level of estrogen is observed in the body at the end of the first week of the course. As for how to administer Novaldex in bodybuilding, on a steroid regimen that is not combined with aromatase inhibitors, it is recommended that you add it only at the end of the cycle.